Refer and Earn!

  • Affiliates are given a unique URL code that is linked to our website. When you share this code with your followers, cookies track the code and reference any sale made on our website with it. Once a sale is made from your code, you will bank either 5 or 10% of that sale depending on which tier you are in. We issue your payouts either via PayPal or as store credit.

  • Silver Tier 5% Commission

    Gold Tier 10% Commission

    Brand Deals 10% Commission

    Excludes shipping costs and processing fees.

    Maximum of $20 commission per order.

    At 100 orders in the silver tier, affiliates will automatically bump to gold tier and new commission rate of 10%.

  • Fill our the form on this page to submit your affiliate application. We have a limited number of affiliates, so we have to make sure each affiliate is relevant to our market.

    Not everyone will be approved.

  • If approved, you may choose to get paid via PayPal or store credit once you create your affiliate account.

    Your payout account must reach $50 before we issue your payout.

    Disclaimer: Any affiliate who reaches $600 in a calendar year in payouts will be issued a 10-99 by Angie and Britt.

  • During the first 60 days of becoming an affiliate, we require a minimum of 5 referral sales to continue your Silver Tier position. Thereafter, you can maintain your account at your own pace. However, if there are no referral sales within 6 months, your affiliate account will be deactivated due to inactivity.

Apply Now